Monday, May 2, 2011

Water Spinach Medicine Toothache

Toothache, treat with water spinach. Water spinach have chemical properties as the antitoxin, peluruh bleeding, diuretics (facilitating urine), anti-inflammatory, and sedatives (tranquilizers / sleeping pills). So in addition to delicious pan-fried, vegetables can also be used as medicine. Nosebleeds, menstrual too much, toothache, and urine is not smooth is a disease that can be treated with the watercress.

Take the two bunch watercress and wash clean. Finely mashed or blended, filtered, take the water and then mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Drinking at the same time once a day. It can treat and reduce menstrual bleeding too much.

Toothache can also be cured by this plant. Way, a ha
ndful of spinach root braised with a glass of water and half a teaspoon of vinegar. After boiling, let cool and use water to rinse. To expedite the urine, a handful of spinach root braised with a glass of water and wait until boiling. After a cold, drink boiled water at once.