Monday, May 2, 2011

Bananas: very good for health

Banana is a fruit that is full of nutrition, contains almost no fat and easily digestible. Carbohydrates in banana about 23-35%, fat 0.2% and like other vegetable substances, cholesterol-free bananas. A total of 100 grams of bananas will give you calories by 120 calories. The fruit is also rich in potassium and contains magnesium, selenium, iron and vitamins and sodium free. Bananas are rich in vitamin B-6 is needed for one's mental health. Lack of vitamin B-6 can cause a person to be tired and angry and disturbed sleep. Eating a half a banana every day will provide for the body to vitamin B-6. Eating foods rich in potassium and vitamin B6, especially fresh banana (not boiled or fried plantain bananas) also can reduce pain, soreness and pain in the joints.

Eating bananas 3-4 times a day even believed to help reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis). Bananas are potassium-rich foods. One medium size banana contains 467 mg of potassium, which provides 13% of daily potassium requirement. The data showed that taking potassium by the body associated with blood pressure lowering effects. In 2001, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration; sort of POM in the USA), agreed that the foods that are sources of potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of increased blood pressure and stroke. As a source of potassium, bananas can help reduce the risk of increased blood pressure. In New England Journal of Medicine even mentioned, that eating one banana a day may reduce the risk of stroke by 40%. If you feel lethargic in between meals, just take a banana. Fruit sugar contained in it (which is classified as simple carbohydrates), will be easily digested and enter the blood stream resulting in instant energy.

In addition, with the supply of potassium from bananas, muscle tissue will re-powered for some time before the body obtain energy supplies from major food emergency. Since this is also, not surprisingly, the athletes, especially tennis athletes often eat bananas before and on the pitch for the repellent tired and its power. In The Food Pharmacy by Jean Carper, bananas and even referred to as food efficacious for patients with ulcer disease. Perhaps the spasmolytic properties of bananas, which lowers labor and reduce gastric acid secretion and gastric enzymes, play a role in producing these properties.

High content of pectin in the banana also can protect the gastric mucous membrane of the influence of gastric acid and enzyme (pepsin).
are also rich in dietary fiber or complex carbohydrates. Consumption of dietary fiber will help to facilitate bowel movement and very good for preventing colon cancer.