Thursday, December 5, 2013


Ingredients and Benefits of Ginger -Although it is common ginger in manfaatka as complementary seasoning spices . But ginger is also very trend among people to be utilized as a beverage body warmers . For the spicy taste of ginger is very effective to make the body becomes warm . Besides the typical spicy flavor makes a delicious taste sensation on the tongue and distinctive . Yes .. although there are some people who like heck .. with this spicy taste . Generally well as the consumption of ginger in relieving drugs colds and as an herbal remedy that works to overcome some health penggangu disease . Once the ginger trend among the public , triggering the producers of food products and beverages to create a product that taste just like ginger .

Ginger Zingiber officinale with scientific names , plant rhizomes are very commonly used as a spice and medicinal materials . Rhizome fingers shaped bulge in the middle sections . Due to the spicy taste of ginger compounds called ketones zingeron . Ginger Zingiberaceae including tribes ( Intersection - finding ) . The scientific name given by William Roxburgh ginger from the Greek word zingiberi , from Sanskrit , singaberi . ( Source : Wikipedia )
However, today many people who know only a ginger relievers and cold dishes complement course material . Though ginger actually has many properties that can nourish the body . Because ginger contains many substances - substances that are good for the body . Here I lay out content contained in ginger and usefulness to the body .
Ingredients Ginger

Essential oils zingiberena ( zingirona ) , zingiberol , bisabolena , kurkumen , gingerol , filandrena , and bitter resin .